3 injuries that can sideline your kids  Featured
3 injuries that can sideline your kids
Here’s what happens when athletes suffer three of the most common sports injuries and how they can be prevented to keep you in the game.
Changing lives one stride at a time 
Changing lives one stride at a time
A special program is transforming the lives and health habits of grade-school girls—one run at a time.
Bribing Americans to lose weight 
Bribing Americans to lose weight
New study suggests that cold hard cash may be enough to buy a person’s willpower to shed unwanted pounds.
Seniors get healthy boost from video games 
Seniors get healthy boost from video games
A study determines that gaming may be linked to “successful aging.”
Diabetes costs at all-time high 
Diabetes costs at all-time high
The price tag of caring for patients with diabetes is at $245 billion and rising with more U.S. adults and children diagnosed with the disease every year.
Primary care physicians can now screen for abuse 
Primary care physicians can now screen for abuse
New recommendations allow doctors to screen for domestic violence.
Scientific proof that it’s better to give than receive 
Scientific proof that it’s better to give than receive
If you really want to feel good about yourself, mental health experts say you should spend money on others rather than on yourself.