Can exercise boost your child’s test scores? 
Can exercise boost your child’s test scores?
Researchers finds a key link between students academic performance and physical fitness.
Students get rare view into live open-heart surgery 
Students get rare view into live open-heart surgery
Tired of telling your teen to sit up, eat right, don’t smoke, slow down and drive carefully? Perhaps some real face time with a physician performing surgery on an unhealthy heart might get the point across.
What to eat before and during your run  Featured
What to eat before and during your run
Fueling up with the right snacks before you hit the road and while you’re logging miles keeps energy up and staves off hunger.
Inside the new physician classrooms 
Inside the new physician classrooms
Doctors are using social media to not only connect but to educate themselves on the latest in health information and trends.
Music therapy helps create new normal for cancer patients  Featured
Music therapy helps create new normal for cancer patients
Music helps patients manage pain and stress while undergoing treatment. Says one music therapist, “It’s science, but it’s so much like magic sometimes.” Take a listen and see for yourself.
Grapefruit and meds may be a deadly match 
Grapefruit and meds may be a deadly match
Chemicals produced from grapefruit may interfere with the breakdown of meds in your body.
Play your way to better health 
Play your way to better health
Bring your workout to the next level. Adding sports to your fitness routine can get you fit faster.