Unlocking the mystery of metabolism  Featured
Unlocking the mystery of metabolism
It influences weight control, but to what extent? A personal trainer weighs in.
Your favorite hobby may be hurting your health 
Your favorite hobby may be hurting your health
Think twice before you make yourself comfortable on the couch after work.
Do you fidget? Here’s what it does to your body 
Do you fidget? Here’s what it does to your body
You may be surprised.
6 tips to boost your workout 
6 tips to boost your workout
Incorporate this easy advice to get more out of your cardio sessions and help meet your weight loss goals.
Back hurt? Try strengthening your core  Featured
Back hurt? Try strengthening your core
It might help you get that coveted six-pack of abs, but what a strong core does on the inside of your body is far more important.
Did you know Olympic Gold Medalist Shaun White suffers from this condition? 
Did you know Olympic Gold Medalist Shaun White suffers from this condition?
Each year, about 40,000 babies are born with the defect.
Exploring and preventing back pain in runners 
Exploring and preventing back pain in runners
Your “deep core” could be at the root of your problems.