Should canines crash in your bed?  Featured
Should canines crash in your bed?
Find out if it’s really a good idea to let your pet sleep with you.
5 calorie-free ways to reward yourself for weight loss  Featured
5 calorie-free ways to reward yourself for weight loss
You don’t have to eat or drink away your hard work.
What you need to know about body shape 
What you need to know about body shape
Where you store fat can affect your risk for heart disease and diabetes.
Can this physical activity slow brain aging? 
Can this physical activity slow brain aging?
Want to increase white matter integrity near your hippocampus? Oh yes, you do.
This trendy exercise benefits your mind and body  Featured
This trendy exercise benefits your mind and body
You may not be aware of some of the advantages of this popular and relaxing pastime.
Barrington doctor makes his commute a healthy cycle of life 
Barrington doctor makes his commute a healthy cycle of life
See how far this physician travels to get to work.
Here’s how to have a healthier work day  Featured
Here’s how to have a healthier work day
Focusing on fitness both on and off the clock is important to optimizing your health.