No pain, no gain? Think again 
No pain, no gain? Think again
Intense, high-impact workouts aren’t for everyone. Consider a gentler approach to getting in shape.
Your intense workout can lead to intense health problems 
Your intense workout can lead to intense health problems
You may pay the price for pushing your body too far.
Can your phone decrease your obesity risk? 
Can your phone decrease your obesity risk?
Here’s how smartphones might make you more active.
Try these 3 tips to be healthier at work 
Try these 3 tips to be healthier at work
Do you feel like long work hours are standing in the way of a healthy lifestyle?
The downside of having a hot husband 
The downside of having a hot husband
Individuals with better-looking spouses may be more likely to have this problem.
Should you be icing before and after running? 
Should you be icing before and after running?
With marathon training season at its peak, it’s important to be proactive in injury prevention.
Love sleeping in? Here’s how it’s affecting your health 
Love sleeping in? Here’s how it’s affecting your health
Before you press snooze again tomorrow morning, read this.