Runners: Exercise caution this Spring 
Runners: Exercise caution this Spring
Make the transition from the treadmill to an outdoor trail smooth and injury-free.
Do this to add 3 years to your life 
Do this to add 3 years to your life
A new report shares a way to live longer and prevent diseases.
The health benefits of adopting a dog 
The health benefits of adopting a dog
Improving your health can be a walk in the park. Consider taking these steps.
Is it a sprain, strain or something else? 
Is it a sprain, strain or something else?
A rolled ankle can cause a lot of pain, but how can you tell when your injury is serious?
These 7 things will help jumpstart the weight loss process 
These 7 things will help jumpstart the weight loss process
Shedding pounds can be difficult at any age. Doing seven simple things before noon can help make your plan a success.
5 myths about working out 
5 myths about working out
A personal trainer weighs in on what’s true and what’s false when it comes to your exercise routine.
This healthy habit could help you save $2,500 a year 
This healthy habit could help you save $2,500 a year
New research finds that if you want to save money, you may want to start this routine.