Dormant Butt Syndrome behind muscle pain 
Dormant Butt Syndrome behind muscle pain
This silly-sounding but very real condition can occur from lack of physical activity and result in knee, hip or back pain. Learn more.
How to burn more calories while walking 
How to burn more calories while walking
Changing up your speed or using a curved path can help you get more out of a workout.
Many heart failure patients don’t return to work 
Many heart failure patients don’t return to work
A cardiologist weighs in on premature retirement and a study that reveals one in three won’t work again.
Can a messy home worsen your diet? 
Can a messy home worsen your diet?
A chaotic environment may encourage you to overindulge in unhealthy foods. Find out more.
Why your walking pace matters 
Why your walking pace matters
Active women significantly decrease their risk of heart failure, among other health benefits. Learn what you can do to reap rewards.
Why you can’t keep off the weight 
Why you can’t keep off the weight
Almost all contestants from Season 8 of “The Biggest Loser” regained their weight. A new study reveals surprising discoveries that help explain why.
Is your cell phone becoming a security blanket? 
Is your cell phone becoming a security blanket?
Researchers find that college students who constantly reach for their phones may actually be trying to disconnect.