Josie is smiling. She’s finally home. 
Josie is smiling. She’s finally home.
She is one of only 1,200 babies in the world with this rare condition.
Sweet dreams, not sleepless nights 
Sweet dreams, not sleepless nights
Here’s what you need to know about a common disorder.
Beer, wine or spirits? Here’s how your choice may affect your emotions  Featured
Beer, wine or spirits? Here’s how your choice may affect your emotions
The world’s largest drug survey has the latest.
Warning: This common practice can cause herpes 
Warning: This common practice can cause herpes
Read this before continuing your holiday shopping.
Here’s why this “sign of a good night” isn’t as fun as you may think  Featured
Here’s why this “sign of a good night” isn’t as fun as you may think
More than 10% of men are way off-base when it comes to this party pastime.
Can this singular test help save your life? 
Can this singular test help save your life?
More than 600K people will die from cancer in 2017. Some could have been prevented.
What’s healthier: Fast food or fast casual? 
What’s healthier: Fast food or fast casual?
You may be surprised.