Meeting or beating the age barrier of infertility 
Meeting or beating the age barrier of infertility
Human reproduction is an inefficient process at best, regardless of age.
You probably do this while driving and don’t even realize it  Featured
You probably do this while driving and don’t even realize it
Text? You’d never. Apply makeup? Not a chance. Find out what research shows you’re doing behind the wheel.
Can acetaminophen affect your mood? 
Can acetaminophen affect your mood?
One study suggests the most common drug, included in over 600 medicines including Tylenol, may be affecting you in ways you don’t realize.
How one doctor is taking his mission to the streets 
How one doctor is taking his mission to the streets
Gastroenterologist Dr. Andrew Albert is spreading awareness about cancer in quite the unique way.
An open letter to my son’s brain surgeon 
An open letter to my son’s brain surgeon
A mother’s letter to the doctor who delivered on his promise to do his best to save her son.
Getting a flu shot – or not? This is what you need to know 
Getting a flu shot – or not? This is what you need to know
Learn about the vaccine and why it’s important.
7 natural remedies to fight depression 
7 natural remedies to fight depression
More than 300 million people live with depression and while medication can be effective, herbal options may also help.