5 ways you’re unknowingly hurting your back  Featured
5 ways you’re unknowingly hurting your back
What’s behind your pain may surprise you. Here’s what you need to know.
5 tips to pick the perfect backpack 
5 tips to pick the perfect backpack
Start the school year on the right foot with these bookbag safety tips.
This trendy exercise benefits your mind and body  Featured
This trendy exercise benefits your mind and body
You may not be aware of some of the advantages of this popular and relaxing pastime.
What does salt do to your brain? 
What does salt do to your brain?
You’re likely consuming more than you should, and it might be more harmful than you think.
Barrington doctor makes his commute a healthy cycle of life 
Barrington doctor makes his commute a healthy cycle of life
See how far this physician travels to get to work.
When fashion becomes dangerous 
When fashion becomes dangerous
The wrong style choices may lead you down a painful path.
Could a simple pill fight cancer? 
Could a simple pill fight cancer?
Might a tablet a day keep the doctor away?