Infographic: Feeling hungry? 5 questions to ask yourself  Featured
Infographic: Feeling hungry? 5 questions to ask yourself
Before you reach for a snack, consider these possibilities.
10 ways to burn more calories walking  Featured
10 ways to burn more calories walking
No need to pound the pavement if you don’t love to run. Incorporate these ideas for a calorie-burning power walk.
Could a new technology help prevent cancer patients from losing their hair? 
Could a new technology help prevent cancer patients from losing their hair?
The breakthrough system is designed to reduce one of the most distressing side effects of chemo. One woman shares her story.
This common habit may literally be shrinking your brain 
This common habit may literally be shrinking your brain
A popular activity is linked with long-term damage to memory and cognitive function.
What causes 5.8% of deadly cancer worldwide? 
What causes 5.8% of deadly cancer worldwide?
A study concludes at least seven types of cancer can be attributed to this one act.
Study: The superficial ways you pick your friends 
Study: The superficial ways you pick your friends
New research suggests that outward appearances – and smells – may play a big role in who you choose to spend time with.
Infographic: 5 summer injuries ER doctors see most  Featured
Infographic: 5 summer injuries ER doctors see most
Don’t wait to contact a physician if you sense something is wrong.