Does this controversial new Netflix series glorify suicide?  Featured
Does this controversial new Netflix series glorify suicide?
‘13 Reasons Why’ might inspire copycats, behavioral health experts say.
Consider skipping your daily shower 
Consider skipping your daily shower
Experts say you may be washing away natural oils and harming your skin. Learn more.
Special care I never knew I needed 
Special care I never knew I needed
While my son was hospitalized, I received support from a special caregiver I will never forget.
Do this to add 3 years to your life 
Do this to add 3 years to your life
A new report shares a way to live longer and prevent diseases.
What does my chest pain mean?  Featured
What does my chest pain mean?
If it’s not a heart attack, what’s causing your discomfort?
Quiz: Does an aspirin a day keep the doctor away? 
Quiz: Does an aspirin a day keep the doctor away?
Will aspirin protect blood vessels from inflammation? Test your knowledge.
15 foods you don’t have to buy organic 
15 foods you don’t have to buy organic
Find out which conventional fruits and veggies are safest to eat.