If married, men are more likely to do this 
If married, men are more likely to do this
Wives – especially highly educated ones – appear to influence this potentially life-or-death decision.
10 simple breakfast options to help you lose weight  Featured
10 simple breakfast options to help you lose weight
There are two keys to any healthy breakfast. A dietitian offers advice to stay on track.
Doctors repair baby’s “far from normal” heart 
Doctors repair baby’s “far from normal” heart
Just hours after his birth, Christos’ parents were told that his pulmonary artery and aorta were reversed.
Is it a cold or allergies? 
Is it a cold or allergies?
Learn how to tell the difference and get tips on how to treat both.
History in the making for adults with Down syndrome 
History in the making for adults with Down syndrome
Patients board a bus with their doctor to experience a memorable day in Springfield.
Baby born with 4 legs, 2 spines thrives after miraculous surgery 
Baby born with 4 legs, 2 spines thrives after miraculous surgery
The 10-month-old from Ivory Coast, Africa, is recovering after a complex surgery in Park Ridge, Ill., to remove her parasitic twin.
5 myths about working out 
5 myths about working out
A personal trainer weighs in on what’s true and what’s false when it comes to your exercise routine.