Raising awareness about this dangerous trend could save lives 
Raising awareness about this dangerous trend could save lives
Research suggests restrictions on this activity could prevent tens of thousands of cases of a deadly form of cancer.
Can you get the mumps even if you’ve been vaccinated? 
Can you get the mumps even if you’ve been vaccinated?
Two suburban high school students have been diagnosed with the mumps. Is the highly contagious illness likely to spread?
Did you know this is one of the most versatile vegetables? 
Did you know this is one of the most versatile vegetables?
It can be used for pizza crusts, mashed potatoes, and even made into a mac and cheese alternative.
Dormant Butt Syndrome behind muscle pain 
Dormant Butt Syndrome behind muscle pain
This silly-sounding but very real condition can occur from lack of physical activity and result in knee, hip or back pain.
Infographic: 4 tips to prevent wrinkles overnight 
Infographic: 4 tips to prevent wrinkles overnight
They’re a normal part of aging, but for those looking to minimize their appearance, an expert offers advice.
It may be convenient, but it could harm your child 
It may be convenient, but it could harm your child
An expert warns of a potentially unknown hazard lurking in your laundry room.
5 tips to stick to your exercise routine in winter  Featured
5 tips to stick to your exercise routine in winter
It’s easy to skip the gym or an outdoor run when the temps are chilly. Try these tips to stay fit in the cold.