A little over a year later, Tom Gould is thankful to be alive. He shares his story and what he’s learned since the event that changed his life.
Devotees of this diet say it helps improve digestion and can help them drop pounds. Read its five guiding principles.
90 percent of people with a family condition that puts them at risk for heart attack and stroke are unaware they have it.
A pediatrician explains how a quick kiss on a baby’s mouth can lead to an immediate health danger and a lifelong infection.
It can be hard to change your habits when you face a diabetes diagnosis.
One study finds 1 in 6 cell phones are contaminated. Other research has called special attention to everyday items like toothbrushes and keyboards. What should you avoid?
When it comes to losing weight your sleep schedule may be sabotaging your diet. Learn how and what you can do to combat it.