Changing the lives of Latin American teenagers forever 
Changing the lives of Latin American teenagers forever
Alejandra and Christian had never traveled outside of El Salvador until they received the chance of a lifetime this month.
Angels among us: Life in the NICU 
Angels among us: Life in the NICU
Meghan’s story begins when she found out she was having twins. But when they were born at 28 weeks, everything changed.
Did you know there is good and bad stress? 
Did you know there is good and bad stress?
A psychologist explains how to manage and reduce the bad stress and embrace the good.
Looking to start a family? Avoid this food and drink 
Looking to start a family? Avoid this food and drink
New research shows a woman’s choice of sweets may negatively affect her ability to have kids. Read more about what to avoid.
Tips to survive Thanksgiving with your family  Featured
Tips to survive Thanksgiving with your family
Whether sharing old memories or having a heated political debate, an expert offers advice to get through the day in one piece.
The benefits of gratitude 
The benefits of gratitude
An expression of thanks is more than just being polite. Research shows it is actually a matter of your health.
Infographic: 5 drinks that can help you burn fat 
Infographic: 5 drinks that can help you burn fat
Did you know these beverages might be able to aid in your weight loss goals?