New absorbable heart stent used to treat coronary heart disease 
New absorbable heart stent used to treat coronary heart disease
Until now, stents were made of metal. A new device dissolves over a two to three year time period.
7 foods that actually make you more hungry 
7 foods that actually make you more hungry
These foods might look good, but eating them can stir your appetite. Find out which foods are satiation saboteurs.
Former Blackhawks player diagnosed with debilitating disease 
Former Blackhawks player diagnosed with debilitating disease
Learn what Bryan Bickell is facing and how he knew something was wrong.
Should you let your dog lick your face?  Featured
Should you let your dog lick your face?
It may be a sign of affection but can also transfer unwanted bacteria. An expert explains how to lessen your risk.
What you need to know about antibiotic resistance 
What you need to know about antibiotic resistance
“Get Smart About Antibiotics Week” is raising awareness on the proper use of antibiotics. Learn more.
How many bugs are living in your home? 
How many bugs are living in your home?
A new study examines dust samples from homes across the U.S. The findings may have you reaching for bug spray.
How job satisfaction can impact your health 
How job satisfaction can impact your health
A positive work environment can help stave off issues ranging from depression and fatigue to heart disease and stroke.