Does pumpkin spice have health benefits?  Featured
Does pumpkin spice have health benefits?
You’ve seen it at the coffee shop and in the aisles at the grocery store. A dietitian weighs in on the annual fall trend.
How do kids view lying?  Featured
How do kids view lying?
Is it okay to tell a white lie? Is tattling bad? A new study finds the answer depends on a child’s age.
Helping breast cancer patients feel beautiful 
Helping breast cancer patients feel beautiful
The physical changes that cancer patients undergo can often challenge their self-identity. Learn how one program is helping.
Is your fitness tracker hurting your diet? 
Is your fitness tracker hurting your diet?
A new study finds fitness wearables may actually slow your weight loss.
Why doesn’t anyone recognize Clark Kent as Superman? 
Why doesn’t anyone recognize Clark Kent as Superman?
Researchers examine the phenomenon and reveal some surprising findings.
Is your coffee addiction genetic? 
Is your coffee addiction genetic?
For some people one cup is just not enough. But where does the drive to drink coffee come from?
Why an elimination diet might be right for you  Featured
Why an elimination diet might be right for you
Do you feel worse after eating a meal? Do you get bloated or even experience a brain fog? This diet may help.