Does IVF increase your risk for breast cancer? 
Does IVF increase your risk for breast cancer?
Data from over 25,000 women who received treatments was examined to determine the answer.
How to prevent a fall  Featured
How to prevent a fall
In honor of Falls Prevention Awareness Day, an expert offers tips and preventive measures you can take to lessen your risk of a fall.
Tips to stop motion sickness before it starts 
Tips to stop motion sickness before it starts
Whether traveling by car, train, plane or boat, there’s nothing quite like motion sickness to ruin a good trip.
Is the phrase ‘once a cheater, always a cheater’ supported by research? 
Is the phrase ‘once a cheater, always a cheater’ supported by research?
New survey data sheds light on the popular saying. A psychologist weighs in and explains why people cheat.
How the sugar industry shifted blame to influence what we eat 
How the sugar industry shifted blame to influence what we eat
New documents reveal the the Sugar Research Foundation influenced a pivotal study on diet and heart disease.
Breakthrough ‘cold cap’ designed to reduce hair loss during chemo 
Breakthrough ‘cold cap’ designed to reduce hair loss during chemo
One woman explains how the innovative system makes her feel. “When I look in the mirror, I still see my regular self.”
Making sure your body is ready for a marathon 
Making sure your body is ready for a marathon
An exercise specialist offers 5 tips to prepare for 26.2 miles.