9 out of 10 strokes are preventable 
9 out of 10 strokes are preventable
A study finds 10 modifiable risk factors responsible for the majority of strokes, the fifth leading cause of death in the US.
Blog: You stink at driving! Heed this advice 
Blog: You stink at driving! Heed this advice
A daily commuter, sick of shenanigans on the streets, recalls memorable lessons from his days as a student driver.
Do opposites attract? The answer depends on your relationship status 
Do opposites attract? The answer depends on your relationship status
New research finds that when it comes to couples, birds of a feather do flock together.
Early bird or night owl: The answer may affect your personality 
Early bird or night owl: The answer may affect your personality
The time you wake up and go to sleep could also affect your quality of life.
Some widely used medications may put you at risk for heat stroke 
Some widely used medications may put you at risk for heat stroke
With temps set to hit the upper 90s later this week, a physician offers advice to avoid heat-related conditions.
Are prenatal vitamins worth it?  Featured
Are prenatal vitamins worth it?
An OB/GYN weighs in on the debate and highlights the importance of one particular supplement.
Ask a Doc: Can my child catch a cold from being cold? 
Ask a Doc: Can my child catch a cold from being cold?
A pediatrician answers a common query and offers some tips to keeping your kids healthy this summer.