Is breakfast really the key to your weight loss? 
Is breakfast really the key to your weight loss?
One study suggests the answer lies in your current morning meal habits.
Heat, not coffee, may cause esophageal cancer 
Heat, not coffee, may cause esophageal cancer
The World Health Organization says it’s not the drink that may cause cancer but the temperature. Find out more.
5 helpful tips to better communicate with your infant  Featured
5 helpful tips to better communicate with your infant
Early speech and language skills are critical to a child’s cognitive development.
Are adult coloring books a form of art therapy? 
Are adult coloring books a form of art therapy?
Experts weigh in and explain the benefits of the latest trend in stress relief.
When it comes to sleep, are we doing it all wrong? 
When it comes to sleep, are we doing it all wrong?
New research suggests we should be sleeping in two shorter chunks each day instead of one long eight hour span.
How your parenting style can affect your child’s success 
How your parenting style can affect your child’s success
Experts say it can affect more than just happiness. Supportive parenting leads to wealthier, more successful children.
Why does that guy give you the creeps?  Featured
Why does that guy give you the creeps?
Survey participants identify the specific characteristics that make someone appear discomforting or threatening.