Is your phone giving you wrinkles? 
Is your phone giving you wrinkles?
Being attached to your device 24/7 could be causing your neck skin to prematurely age. A dermatologist offers some helpful tips.
The real reason men don’t like going to the doctor 
The real reason men don’t like going to the doctor
Survey data reveals concerning responses about why men avoid physician visits, which can worsen overall health.
Long work hours linked to life-threatening illnesses 
Long work hours linked to life-threatening illnesses
New research indicates health risks increase dramatically when women work more than 50 hours a week.
Blog: I’ve been down this path once or twice before… 
Blog: I’ve been down this path once or twice before…
A busy work-at-home mom explains what makes her new diet and exercise plan different.
Have you hit your friendship peak? 
Have you hit your friendship peak?
Research suggests the social circles of most men and women start to shrink after age 25 as relationships, children and careers put added pressures on their time.
How to get your 10,000 steps in 
How to get your 10,000 steps in
A fitness specialist offers four easy tricks to improve your health and well-being by getting you moving.
When it comes to your baby’s diaper, is there a wrong choice?  Featured
When it comes to your baby’s diaper, is there a wrong choice?
A pediatric nurse practitioner weighs in on the cloth versus disposable diaper debate.