Who’s most at risk for anxiety? 
Who’s most at risk for anxiety?
A global study reveals that women and people under 35 are much more likely to have worries that interfere with day-to-day activities. Learn more.
7 simple steps to staying safe in the sun 
7 simple steps to staying safe in the sun
Is it OK to use last year’s sunscreen? Do sprays really work? The answers to these questions will help lower your risk.
Men like nice women, but what do women want? 
Men like nice women, but what do women want?
Research shows men find responsive women more sexually attractive, but the reverse isn’t necessarily true.
Finding it hard to stick to your diet in the summer? 
Finding it hard to stick to your diet in the summer?
Avoid unhealthy seasonal treats and maintain your beach bod by following these simple recommendations.
What parents shouldn’t talk about with their daughters 
What parents shouldn’t talk about with their daughters
Commenting on your child’s weight may have an adverse effect on her self-image later in life.
Your choice of drink may be hurting you 
Your choice of drink may be hurting you
All beverages are not created equal when it comes to staying hydrated in the summer, according to new research.
What is aphasia?  Featured
What is aphasia?
About one-third of strokes result in a neurological disorder that impacts one’s ability to communicate. Learn more.