Men more likely to get colonoscopy if happily married 
Men more likely to get colonoscopy if happily married
Colon cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death in the U.S., but one in three adults are not getting screened.
New research: Same-sex couples raise well-adjusted kids 
New research: Same-sex couples raise well-adjusted kids
Study finds that children of same-sex partners fare just as well as those of straight couples.
Blog: Advice for youth pitchers working toward a no-hitter  Featured
Blog: Advice for youth pitchers working toward a no-hitter
Youth pitchers striving for glory should heed these tips to avoid shoulder and elbow injuries.
Attentiveness saved mom’s life from pancreatic cancer 
Attentiveness saved mom’s life from pancreatic cancer
At age 33, Corinn Sparks never imagined her symptoms could be this cancer. Read her story.
6 tips for apologizing effectively 
6 tips for apologizing effectively
Researchers suggest doing these six things to restore trust and stability in a relationship.
Physical activity may extend life of people with prostate cancer 
Physical activity may extend life of people with prostate cancer
A new American Cancer Society study reveals that exercise can increase the likelihood of survival by up to 34 percent.
The dangerous impact of sleepy teens 
The dangerous impact of sleepy teens
Kids who are sleep-deprived are associated with higher numbers of unintentional injuries.