Mindfulness may help those struggling with weight loss  Featured
Mindfulness may help those struggling with weight loss
A new study suggests that working this practice into your daily routine may help you achieve diet success.
Diabetes quadruples in three decades 
Diabetes quadruples in three decades
The World Health Organization suggests a coordinated approach is necessary to tackle the disease.
Death of a family pet? Here’s how to break it to your child 
Death of a family pet? Here’s how to break it to your child
A pediatric psychologist provides tips for parents on discussing the loss of a pet with their children.
4 tips to get your kids moving 
4 tips to get your kids moving
Check out these strategies for encouraging children to get the physical activity they need.
Could your humor indicate your risk for dementia?  Featured
Could your humor indicate your risk for dementia?
An inappropriate sense of humor might be an early indicator of a rare form of this condition.
Teens don’t know the risks of oral sex 
Teens don’t know the risks of oral sex
Nearly half of 15-19 year olds have engaged in oral sex, yet many don’t consider the possibility of infection.
Prevent hair sweat after a workout? 
Prevent hair sweat after a workout?
Some physicians are skeptical of the “Blowtox” fad that is catching on among female fitness fanatics.