Breakthrough treatment for sleep apnea patients  Featured
Breakthrough treatment for sleep apnea patients
A first-of-its-kind procedure hits the U.S. offering a new tool in the fight against obstructive sleep apnea.
Can social media help prevent HIV? 
Can social media help prevent HIV?
A new study finds that social media sites can be helpful tools in preventing the spread of the virus.
Is Facebook giving you the blues? 
Is Facebook giving you the blues?
With more than 500 million users, Facebook is known for boosting connections but a new study claims that the popular site can also make you sad. Learn why.
Cash for weight loss can work 
Cash for weight loss can work
When it comes to motivating employees to lose weight and live healthier, a new study says offering financial incentives works best.
Jogging pains? A simple test may help 
Jogging pains? A simple test may help
Running with aches? A closer look at your stride may help ease your pain.
Spinal injury patient back on beat  Featured
Spinal injury patient back on beat
Neurosurgeons at the Spine Center at Advocate Christ Medical Center perform a life-changing surgery for a professional jazz musician nearly immobilized by a spinal cord injury.
Americans look to smartphones for health info 
Americans look to smartphones for health info
Are you among the thousands of tech-savvy Americans who want to manage your health care on your smartphone? Read this.