The link between heart disease and diabetes 
The link between heart disease and diabetes
Learn how diabetes can also put you at high risk for heart disease.
Young heart transplant patients living longer 
Young heart transplant patients living longer
Children who receive donated hearts can expect to live a healthy, post-surgery life.
AHA overhauls heart disease guidelines 
AHA overhauls heart disease guidelines
Find out why experts are changing the approach to determining your cardiovascular health.
Want to help your heart? Brush your teeth  Featured
Want to help your heart? Brush your teeth
Making the effort to keep your pearly whites sparkling can also keep your ticker in top shape.
Berries dramatically reduce heart attack risk in women 
Berries dramatically reduce heart attack risk in women
Women now have more reasons to add berries to their diet, according to a recent study.
Best time to have a heart attack? 
Best time to have a heart attack?
A new study finds that heart attack deaths occur more often at night and on weekends. Find out why.
Inspired to RUN 
Inspired to RUN
In Dec. 2012, 32-year-old, Dan Cavanaugh had a heart attack. Watch his inspiring story.