Major milestone for thousands of Chicago’s young athletes  Featured
Major milestone for thousands of Chicago’s young athletes
Young Hearts for Life to screen its 100,000th student this month.
Dangers of second-hand smoke for asthmatic kids 
Dangers of second-hand smoke for asthmatic kids
Study shows children hospitalized with asthma attacks are much more likely to have been exposed to second-hand smoke than parents may think.
Stop smoking, sleep better, study says 
Stop smoking, sleep better, study says
New research provides another reason to kick the habit.
Can volunteering boost your health? 
Can volunteering boost your health?
Doing good deeds for others does the body good says researchers who studied the health benefits of engaging in social service.
New research may offer seniors better care 
New research may offer seniors better care
Find out what scientists are doing to offer older patients with chronic conditions better treatment.
How to stay safe during icy winters 
How to stay safe during icy winters
With winter comes snow, ice—and injuries. Follow these tips to avoid getting hurt.
Anxiety linked to stroke in first-ever study 
Anxiety linked to stroke in first-ever study
New research finds a troubling mind-body connection.