Two new worries for heart patients 
Two new worries for heart patients
People with heart disease, anxiety and depression, may have a greater chance of dying before those without those added complications.
Americans missing important messages about obesity 
Americans missing important messages about obesity
Most people know that obesity can lead to heart disease and diabetes but aren’t clued in to the fact it can also lead to cancer. Doctors say if more people knew all of the risks, they might be motivated to shed those unwanted pounds.
Not all diets created equally 
Not all diets created equally
There is no shortage of diets and pills promising weight loss. But the Mediterranean diet is one plan on the market that may actually work.
Are you sleep-deprived? Take our sleep quiz and find out  Featured
Are you sleep-deprived? Take our sleep quiz and find out
Forty million Americans suffer from sleep disorders. What many people may not know is that this condition can put you at risk for other health problems. Our own Dr. Adam Posner encourages you to find out whether you are indeed one of the millions dealing with a sleep condition and what you can do about it.
Students get rare view into live open-heart surgery 
Students get rare view into live open-heart surgery
Tired of telling your teen to sit up, eat right, don’t smoke, slow down and drive carefully? Perhaps some real face time with a physician performing surgery on an unhealthy heart might get the point across.
Diabetes and depression a deadly mix, study finds 
Diabetes and depression a deadly mix, study finds
Recent review warns that diabetes patients should monitor their mood and their hearts.
Bigger clothes for overweight kids is not the answer, doctors say 
Bigger clothes for overweight kids is not the answer, doctors say
Retailers and manufacturers launch clothing lines and other products targeting obese and overweight children.