4 heart attack warning signs for young women 
4 heart attack warning signs for young women
Chest pain isn’t the only marker. Knowing other symptoms can mean the difference between life and death.
Five annual exams every woman should get 
Five annual exams every woman should get
Preventive screenings can identify health problems early, when treatment works best and when more options are available.
My sudden cardiac arrest survival story: Part three 
My sudden cardiac arrest survival story: Part three
An ICD and a beta blocker play a key role in preventing another cardiac arrest.
Breastfeeding preemies beneficial for their heart health as adults 
Breastfeeding preemies beneficial for their heart health as adults
New research shows preemies fed breast milk have better overall heart function as adults, even compared to full-term infants.
How being married can help save your life 
How being married can help save your life
New findings show marriage increases your chance of survival after a heart attack. Learn more.
Could a migraine mean something more? 
Could a migraine mean something more?
New research points to a connection between migraine sufferers and an increased risk of heart disease and death later in life.
Can a nightmare cause a heart attack? 
Can a nightmare cause a heart attack?
For some people with risk factors, nightmares could pose a very real health hazard.