Non-smoking teens turn to e-cigs 
Non-smoking teens turn to e-cigs
According to a new study, 30 percent of the teens surveyed have tried e-cigarettes.
Could weight affect your life expectancy? 
Could weight affect your life expectancy?
Here’s one more reason to get serious about staying trim.
How yogurt can reduce diabetes risk 
How yogurt can reduce diabetes risk
New research says this popular food choice can ward off disease.
Device for clearing leg arteries under study 
Device for clearing leg arteries under study
New investigational technology is allowing physicians to actually “see” inside a patient’s leg artery as they cut away the plaque blocking it.
Run, don’t walk, into your senior years 
Run, don’t walk, into your senior years
Older adults who run several times a week have the metabolism of a person in their 20s, says new research.
Can kidney stones lead to heart problems? 
Can kidney stones lead to heart problems?
The formation of stones and the development of cardiovascular disease may have similar risk factors.
How diabetes can harm your heart 
How diabetes can harm your heart
Learn how diabetes increases your risk of heart disease.