Hypertension risks higher for those near major roadways 
Hypertension risks higher for those near major roadways
Living close to heavily traveled highways can lead to high blood pressure, some experts say.
Is raking leaves risky for your heart? 
Is raking leaves risky for your heart?
With fall upon us, health experts say you need to be careful while cleaning up the yard.
Talking about hemorrhoids 
Talking about hemorrhoids
A less invasive technique promises less pain and a faster recovery for this condition.
New method to safely test drugs  Featured
New method to safely test drugs
The creation of a beating heart from living tissue allows scientists to conduct tests without the use of humans or animals.
3 ways a woman’s stroke risk differs from men’s 
3 ways a woman’s stroke risk differs from men’s
Studies show there are several factors that make a female’s risk of stroke different from their male counterparts.
AHA takes a stand on e-cigarettes 
AHA takes a stand on e-cigarettes
The American Heart Association is recommending stricter regulations on electronic cigarettes.
Good neighbors keep our hearts healthy 
Good neighbors keep our hearts healthy
Find out why a new study says your helpful neighbors can help your overall health.