Cancer support online  Featured
Cancer support online
Find out how the web is helping cancer patients get connected to support groups around the world.
Big benefits for bilingual baby boomers  Featured
Big benefits for bilingual baby boomers
Speaking more than one language may help delay symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.
Are whites at higher risk of irregular heartbeats? 
Are whites at higher risk of irregular heartbeats?
A new study shows that a European Ancestry gene may be linked to atrial fibrillation.
Hidden dangers of herbal supplements 
Hidden dangers of herbal supplements
New research finds most herbal supplements include ingredients not listed on the label. And these unlisted additives can be bad for your health.
Duo 110 pound loss, pair ready for Chicago Marathon 
Duo 110 pound loss, pair ready for Chicago Marathon
Inspirations to their families and co-workers, Mabel Smith and Tim Warren are embracing their journey to good health.
Should doctors focus more on preventing heart disease? 
Should doctors focus more on preventing heart disease?
Find out why the American Heart Association is urging physicians to take a more proactive approach to this deadly disease.
Smokers to benefit from government decision  Featured
Smokers to benefit from government decision
Current or former smokers worried about lung cancer may soon have easier access to a low-dose CT scan for screening.