Can exercise therapy help treat hip arthritis? 
Can exercise therapy help treat hip arthritis?
A study finds that being active helps manage the pain from this condition.
Maintain healthy habits during the holidays 
Maintain healthy habits during the holidays
Discover ways to incorporate exercise and healthy eating into your routine.
Have a heart healthy holiday 
Have a heart healthy holiday
Learn five tips from a cardiologist to keep your heart healthy during the holiday season.
Get the facts about Advance Care Planning  Featured
Get the facts about Advance Care Planning
Advance directives aren’t just for people who are old or very sick. Here’s what you need to know.
What you need to know about mixing medication and alcohol 
What you need to know about mixing medication and alcohol
Taking prescriptions or over-the-counter medications with alcohol can have serious consequences.
Pay it forward to help relieve stress 
Pay it forward to help relieve stress
The act of giving makes others feel good, but it can improve your own mental health, too.
Can happiness or sadness impact your lifespan? 
Can happiness or sadness impact your lifespan?
Contrary to popular belief, a new study claims a person’s emotional state has no direct effect on mortality.