How sadness can affect what colors we see 
How sadness can affect what colors we see
A study shows that our mood can impact the way we perceive some colors.
Should men get annual physicals? 
Should men get annual physicals?
If you can’t remember the last time you had one, it may be time to make an appointment.
Cancer prevention starts with healthy living 
Cancer prevention starts with healthy living
A physician shares the lifestyle choices he has made to reduce his risk of the disease.
Safety tips for Turkey Bowl football fun 
Safety tips for Turkey Bowl football fun
Don’t get sidelined due to injuries during this annual tradition.
Infographic: Give your Thanksgiving plate a makeover 
Infographic: Give your Thanksgiving plate a makeover
Here’s how to stay on track despite temptations at the table.
Celebrate National Family Health History Day  Featured
Celebrate National Family Health History Day
This year, Thanskgiving isn’t the only holiday celebrated on Nov. 26. Learn how knowing your background can help manage your health.
Is there a drug that can prevent HIV? 
Is there a drug that can prevent HIV?
Treatment options have come a long way and now there’s a drug that might prevent the spread of the disease.