When you should screen for prostate cancer 
When you should screen for prostate cancer
Learn how to catch it early and recognize the signs.
The most important part of men’s health 
The most important part of men’s health
One simple decision can make all the difference.
Sex after a heart attack? Experts weigh in 
Sex after a heart attack? Experts weigh in
It might even help reduce your risk of having another one.
Can you really gain weight overnight?  Featured
Can you really gain weight overnight?
Here’s why the number on the scale is never the same.
Thinking about a vasectomy? Rob Schneider says you can do it! 
Thinking about a vasectomy? Rob Schneider says you can do it!
Actor shares personal experience from recent procedure.
How a bad diet could affect sperm count 
How a bad diet could affect sperm count
A diet low in fruits and vegetables may not just be affecting your waistline.
Erectile dysfunction can be a warning sign for heart disease 
Erectile dysfunction can be a warning sign for heart disease
Understanding the underlying issues of ED can raise a red flag for heart disease in men under 50. It also influences treatment decisions.