What you should know about toxic masculinity 
What you should know about toxic masculinity
Here’s how you can identify some of these behaviors.
Tired during the day? Read this 
Tired during the day? Read this
Do you find yourself refilling your coffee cup some time after lunch?
Are the baby blues just for moms? 
Are the baby blues just for moms?
“We understand what you’re going through and we are here to help.”
Why more men might schedule vasectomies during March Madness 
Why more men might schedule vasectomies during March Madness
If you have to sit around to recover anyway…
What you need to know about varicose veins 
What you need to know about varicose veins
By age 40, 40% of women will have them. By age 70, 70%. Who gets them, and can you prevent them?
4 ways to reduce seasonal salt intake  Featured
4 ways to reduce seasonal salt intake
Holidays can pose a daunting challenge to those trying to keep their sodium intake to a healthy minimum.
Should you be getting screened for this type of cancer?  Featured
Should you be getting screened for this type of cancer?
There is a blood test to check for the disease, but the benefits may not outweigh the risks.