Reducing risk of stroke 
Reducing risk of stroke
Education is the key to helping people receive treatment sooner.
Infographic: Maximize the benefits of your fitness tracker 
Infographic: Maximize the benefits of your fitness tracker
Here are 5 ways to use these devices.
Practice could be more dangerous than the game 
Practice could be more dangerous than the game
Most concussion injuries don’t happen during games, according to a new report.
Why early detection for prostate cancer is critical 
Why early detection for prostate cancer is critical
The sooner the disease is caught, the higher the survival rate.
Infographic: Be wary of pesticides on fruits and veggies  Featured
Infographic: Be wary of pesticides on fruits and veggies
Find out which popular items made the “Dirty Dozen” list.
Kissing a beard could be like kissing a toilet 
Kissing a beard could be like kissing a toilet
Fecal matter may hide in facial hair, according to a recent laboratory analysis.
Text your pain away? 
Text your pain away?
Researchers find that messaging strangers may reduce the amount of anesthesia needed during surgery.