Blog: All it took was a second  Featured
Blog: All it took was a second
A mom shares how her son’s close call at the pool gave her empathy for others in similar scary situations.
Yes, my kid has cancer. Here’s what you should say 
Yes, my kid has cancer. Here’s what you should say
A mom lends advice on how others can best react.
Blog: Yes, my kid has cancer. Here’s what you should say  Featured
Blog: Yes, my kid has cancer. Here’s what you should say
Amy Graver, whose daughter was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, lends advice on how others can best react.
CDC releases “poop in the pool” report 
CDC releases “poop in the pool” report
Public pools, hot tubs and water parks are filthy, according to the annual study. What’s a parent to do?
Which moms are likelier to immunize their babies?  Featured
Which moms are likelier to immunize their babies?
Moms who do one specific thing during their pregnancy are more likely to follow a vaccination schedule for their infants.
Is your cell phone becoming a security blanket? 
Is your cell phone becoming a security blanket?
Researchers find that college students who constantly reach for their phones may actually be trying to disconnect.
A day in the life of a NICU nurse 
A day in the life of a NICU nurse
Kim Vuckovich, a nurse at Advocate Children’s Hospital, shares what it’s like to care for some of the most fragile babies.