Infographic: 10 home remedies for sore throats 
Infographic: 10 home remedies for sore throats
Here are some natural ways to help soothe your symptoms before heading to the doctor.
Is your baby’s crying due to a strand of hair? 
Is your baby’s crying due to a strand of hair?
If you’ve exhausted all your usual tactics to calm your child, experts say to be quick to check fingers and toes.
A Leap Day birthday: The good, the bad and the ugly 
A Leap Day birthday: The good, the bad and the ugly
Despite paperwork issues, tiresome jokes and an empty Facebook wall, a February 29 birthday does have its perks.
Babies need more vitamin D after first year 
Babies need more vitamin D after first year
An expert OB/GYN says insufficient bone development is a key health risk for breastfed babies one year or older.
How to protect preemies in cars  Featured
How to protect preemies in cars
Unique safeguards are needed for premature babies and kids with certain medical conditions. Get the details.
Dynamic approach improves sun safety, study finds 
Dynamic approach improves sun safety, study finds
New research shows families benefit from receiving more education and reinforcement on sun protection habits.
Adderall abuse on the rise 
Adderall abuse on the rise
Misusing the stimulant can lead to serious health issues such as heart attack, stroke and depression.