Kids can have bipolar disorder, too 
Kids can have bipolar disorder, too
Learn what behaviors could signal that a child has this condition.
Are first-time moms more likely to immunize their kids? 
Are first-time moms more likely to immunize their kids?
A small study found that new moms are more likely to vaccinate, but feel they aren’t getting enough information.
How young is too young to have a cell phone? 
How young is too young to have a cell phone?
A study found that half of toddlers are using a mobile device every day.
The hidden dangers of window blinds for young children 
The hidden dangers of window blinds for young children
Two major retailers have taken these items off the shelves due to the deadly risks they can pose to kids.
Do you feel the stress of balancing work and family life? 
Do you feel the stress of balancing work and family life?
56 percent of parents say it’s difficult for them to devote equal time to their job and family responsibilities.
Help children learn to be generous 
Help children learn to be generous
While a recent study finds religion makes kids less generous, here are a few ideas for teaching kids to serve others during the holiday season.
Dental app makes brushing teeth fun 
Dental app makes brushing teeth fun
This technology is getting kids and adults to care about their oral health.