Car seat safety 101 
Car seat safety 101
Learn the do’s and don’ts on car seat safety from our pediatrician expert.
Hundreds of tots poisoned by laundry detergent pods 
Hundreds of tots poisoned by laundry detergent pods
A new study uncovers the dangers of this popularly used cleaning product.
Walking to school is good for everyone 
Walking to school is good for everyone
Researchers take a deep dive into the benefits of students hoofing it to class.
Get active in the classroom 
Get active in the classroom
Just four minutes of physical activity can improve kids’ behavior in school.
New study may spoil your milk drinking 
New study may spoil your milk drinking
Researchers find that heavy milk consumption could be tied to heart disease.
Music therapy helps reduce depression in kids and teens 
Music therapy helps reduce depression in kids and teens
Learn how a different type of treatment can improve mental health for kids.
Placebo, agave nectar help kids’ cough better than nothing 
Placebo, agave nectar help kids’ cough better than nothing
New research offers possible alternatives for a child’s cough.