Early exposure to germs may reduce allergy, asthma risk later 
Early exposure to germs may reduce allergy, asthma risk later
One new study says parents may be taking too many precautions in cleaning for a new baby.
Melanoma linked to sunburn as a teen 
Melanoma linked to sunburn as a teen
Just a few serious sunburns in your teen years could lead to skin cancer later in life.
Can caring for a baby change a man’s brain? 
Can caring for a baby change a man’s brain?
Fathers who take on the primary caregiving role experience shifts in their cognitive structures, according to a new study.
How much sugar is really in your kids’ cereal?  Featured
How much sugar is really in your kids’ cereal?
A recent study dishes out just how much sugar is in your child’s breakfast bowl.
Taking some of the pain out of vaccinations 
Taking some of the pain out of vaccinations
These ABC’s of vaccinations can help ease the anxiety of children and parents.
Lack of sleep linked to obesity in kids 
Lack of sleep linked to obesity in kids
Get the details on why a new study says insufficient sleep is negatively affecting kids health.
A+ study tips  Featured
A+ study tips
Here are a few easy tips to help kids perform their best on a final exam.