Why kids bounce back quicker after a broken bone  Featured
Why kids bounce back quicker after a broken bone
Find out why adult bones heal more slowly than children’s.
How much dye is really in kids’ food? 
How much dye is really in kids’ food?
A study finds the amount of artificial color children are consuming is more than we thought.
10 simple water safety tips 
10 simple water safety tips
Parental supervision is key to keeping your kids safe this summer.
The surprising connection between pregnancy and car crashes 
The surprising connection between pregnancy and car crashes
Women in their second trimester are at a higher risk for automobile accidents. Find out why.
Simple paper test helps assess teens for depression 
Simple paper test helps assess teens for depression
Clinicians may have a new and better way to treat young people with mental health issues.
10 breastfeeding benefits 
10 breastfeeding benefits
Here are some essential healthy tips for moms and babies.
More reasons teens should steer clear of sports and energy drinks 
More reasons teens should steer clear of sports and energy drinks
The revved-up drinks represent a large part of the beverage market, could they lead to health problems among teens?