Community support helps families with autistic children  Featured
Community support helps families with autistic children
With autism diagnoses on the rise, community life is even more essential to children with autism and their families.
Taking the guess work out of estimating birth weights 
Taking the guess work out of estimating birth weights
Researchers say they’ve come up with a better way to guess how much newborns will tip the scales.
Part 2: The fact and fiction of autism  Featured
Part 2: The fact and fiction of autism
In the second half of this two-part series, our expert helps separate more truths from myths on autism.
Autism: Separating fact from fiction  Featured
Autism: Separating fact from fiction
For many, the word “autism” conjures varying ideas and preconceived notions. In the first of this two-part series, our expert helps separate truth from myth.
March for Babies walk celebrates family’s personal triumph  Featured
March for Babies walk celebrates family’s personal triumph
Thanks to life-saving technology funded by the organization, a set of twins are able to walk with their parents.
Should kids be cleansing? 
Should kids be cleansing?
The latest health fad has health experts worried.
Teachers’ scare tactics may cause lower exam scores 
Teachers’ scare tactics may cause lower exam scores
A new study says that when teachers motivate through fear to encourage success it may have the reverse effect.