How to prep healthier, kid-friendly family dishes  Featured
How to prep healthier, kid-friendly family dishes
Learn how to prepare quick, yet nutritious meals that your kids will enjoy.
The truth about snot  Featured
The truth about snot
Find out why mucus production is so beneficial to our health and what to do when it becomes excessive.
3 tips to develop your child’s self-esteem 
3 tips to develop your child’s self-esteem
An expert offers insights on best ways to help your child feel good about themselves.
Should handheld devices be banned for kids under 12? 
Should handheld devices be banned for kids under 12?
Read why one therapist thinks so.
Intuition helps preschoolers do basic algebra 
Intuition helps preschoolers do basic algebra
New research finds that 4- to 6-year-olds are able to learn basic algebra easier than teens or adults. Find out why.
Kids’ toys may contain toxins 
Kids’ toys may contain toxins
New research sheds light on the exposure to dangerous chemicals from your child’s toys.
Is your infant’s head shape cause for concern?  Featured
Is your infant’s head shape cause for concern?
Babies spending so much time on their backs can affect how their skull develops. Experts say addressing the problem early on can help.