Comics promoting healthier eating in kids? 
Comics promoting healthier eating in kids?
Japanese comic art may be a great vehicle to help at-risk youth make healthier snacking decisions, study finds.
Bullied kids exercise less 
Bullied kids exercise less
Experts find that middle school students who are teased during gym class are less likely to participate in physical activity.
Hosting an allergy-free birthday party  Featured
Hosting an allergy-free birthday party
With more kids developing food allergies, how can you plan a birthday party that is safe and fun for all?
Shopping cart-related injuries on the rise 
Shopping cart-related injuries on the rise
New research uncovers a record number of kids are falling and being seriously injured.
Girls tend to ignore concussion symptoms 
Girls tend to ignore concussion symptoms
Soccer is one of the fastest growing sports in the U.S., but new research shows a potentially dangerous trend.
‘R’ rated movies with smoking stops teens from lighting up 
‘R’ rated movies with smoking stops teens from lighting up
New research reveals that kids may not pick up the smoking habit if films with it are restricted and parents enforce it.
What parents should know about their teens and alcohol 
What parents should know about their teens and alcohol
A recent study finds the majority of alcohol related deaths among young people are not tied to drunk driving.