Young girls and women are twice as likely to receive this diagnosis 
Young girls and women are twice as likely to receive this diagnosis
A doctor shares five things you need to know.
Would you give your child 4 shots of whiskey? 
Would you give your child 4 shots of whiskey?
The high alcohol content of this common item can be dangerous if used inappropriately.
Fireworks sent this many people to the emergency room last year  Featured
Fireworks sent this many people to the emergency room last year
These tips will help keep you safe.
A little more of this could improve your mental health 
A little more of this could improve your mental health
A study suggests it could affect how your brain develops.
How much screen time is too much? 
How much screen time is too much?
When school is out, kids pull the screens out. You probably do, too.
This dangerous problem is on the rise 
This dangerous problem is on the rise
One main culprit is the loose change you might have around your house.
Are your kids safe around this? 
Are your kids safe around this?
Know how to protect kids during this common summer activity.