Elgin nurses, injured turkey team up to care for orphaned ducklings 
Elgin nurses, injured turkey team up to care for orphaned ducklings
After their mother was killed by a hawk, duck eggs that were saved by nurses and adopted by a turkey have hatched.
Arsenic in rice cereal raises questions 
Arsenic in rice cereal raises questions
Babies who eat rice products have higher arsenic concentrations in their bodies, but is it harmful?
Autism diagnosis… Now what? 
Autism diagnosis… Now what?
The fastest growing developmental disorder can change family dynamics in ways others could never imagine.
Blog: Advice for youth pitchers working toward a no-hitter  Featured
Blog: Advice for youth pitchers working toward a no-hitter
Youth pitchers striving for glory should heed these tips to avoid shoulder and elbow injuries.
The dangerous impact of sleepy teens 
The dangerous impact of sleepy teens
Kids who are sleep-deprived are associated with higher numbers of unintentional injuries.
Helping kids with asthma 
Helping kids with asthma
Learn how a program is helping kids become empowered and teaching them to take control of their condition.
How to handle a child’s first ear infection 
How to handle a child’s first ear infection
An expert discusses the symptoms of a painful childhood illness and how to prevent them.