Too much homework leading to stressed out families 
Too much homework leading to stressed out families
Those extra assignments may be causing unnecessary pressure at home.
Primary care docs treating kids with mental health issues 
Primary care docs treating kids with mental health issues
See why some children are only getting treatment from their pediatrician rather than a psychologist.
Blueberries may improve memory and concentration in kids 
Blueberries may improve memory and concentration in kids
Find out how eating a cup and a half of this superfood could benefit children’s brains.
Too much time on the Internet linked to health problems in teens 
Too much time on the Internet linked to health problems in teens
Spending more than 14 hours a week online can trigger high blood pressure, obesity and much more.
Can sports drinks actually improve performance?  Featured
Can sports drinks actually improve performance?
Watermelon, beet and pickle juices are the latest fitness fads. Learn more.
Why do babies smile? 
Why do babies smile?
A grinning infant often has one goal in mind. Find out what it is.
Kids aren’t eating enough whole fruit 
Kids aren’t eating enough whole fruit
Children are drinking plenty of juice, but are missing out on some key nutrients.